The Character of the Dragon
From ancient times the Chinese have thought of the Dragon, Unicorn, Phoenix and the Tortoise as four supernatural creatures. They are also so lucky creatures and must be respected because they symbolize spirit. According to legend, the Dragon has the face of a horse, the body of a snake and hands like chicken’s claws. It can fly, swim underwater, cause rain to fall, spurt forth water and walk through clouds and fog.
The Dragon is the fifth animal of the twelve animal signs and is equal to the Earthly Branch Ch’en. Ch’en can be described as ‘ skipping about ‘ or ‘ ready to move ‘.
The Dragon belongs to the third month and during the day its special time is between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. At this time the sun and the light are becoming hotter and stronger; it is a sign of hope, the time when the natural world is active.
You have an outstanding character, strong, energetic and authoritative. Your actions are decisive and confident, like a Dragon who puffs out clouds. You will be especially successful in the world of the theatre, politics or commerce.
Your obstinacy and selfishness mask your strong moral code, but you have many good points to counterbalance these faults. You are honest and understanding and would never think of employing devious means to get what you want. You have great curiosity, are self-confident and not afraid to face challenges or difficulties. While you do everything to the best of your ability, you are suspicious of others and do not understand why you should share the fruits of your work.
Most people are influenced and impressed by what appears to be your sensible conversation and advice. You have a warm heart but a quick temper and a proud, sometimes verging on arrogant, nature. Because you consider yourself better than others, you love to give orders but find it difficult to obey the orders of others. You like to have workers under your command. Luckily, people accept your behavior and you will be successful both socially and in your career. You are charitable and brave and your hard work enables you to fulfill your expectations. Your strong character is like a gift from Heaven.
Like all Dragon people, you are lucky. It is as though you are swimming under a warm sun; your life is comfortable and you will never be short of anything. Whatever career you choose, you will be successful. Even when you give up the idea of fame and fortune to dedicate your life to a worthy cause, you will still fulfill all your expectations. Success is the chief characteristic of the Dragon.
You will never face any romantic difficulties. Members of the opposite sex fall in love with you very easily and throughout your life you will have numerous love affairs. Love is usually treated like a game and you will very rarely be as disappointed or as hurt as your former partners. The Chinese say that this is like drinking bitter wine.
As a Dragon man you are resolute and idealistic. You may be difficult to deal with a personal level but are outstanding in company. You are adaptable and comfortable with people from many backgrounds. A woman who loves a Dragon man must consider her relationship very carefully and learn to plan ahead. It is extremely difficult to tie down the Dragon’s heart. Men love a Dragon woman more than any other sign and, as long as her nature is understood, she will be a cheerful, warm and understanding partner.
The Dragon is suited to partnerships with the Monkey and the Rat. This combination is called San Ho – a Three Harmony. The mixing of these signs heralds a magnificent future filled with money, honours and good luck. Your family will always be proud of you. The partnership between someone born in the year of the Snake is also auspicious. The Snake’s sense of humor tempers the Dragon’s pride. The Snake admires the Dragon’s talent and is willing to help whenever possible.
Anyone born in the years of the Ox, the Dog or the Pig will be unhappy in partnership with the Dragon. You need constant praise and respect, but the Ox, the Ram, the Dog and the Pig refuse to bow down to you. Your horoscope indicates destruction, separation and sorrow with these partners.
You are able to tackle any kind of job but are particularly suited to a career as a solicitor, managing director, clergyman, doctor, artist or actor.
It is difficult to predict the behavior of someone born in the year of the Dragon. Acquaintances can never guess what you are about to do or what you think. Many people are attracted to your charismatic character. You are quiet, serious and dignified in everything you do.
You are luckier than most people. You are able, popular and successful in business.
You have a natural ability to earn money and this is helped by your upright conduct, good fortune and charismatic character.
You are capable, but because you are an exhibitionist you cannot stay in one job for long. Do not be surprised to see a Dragon person hopping from one job to the next – this is an inborn part of the Dragon nature.
Social life
You are willing and able to take on responsibility and fulfill your promises promptly. Your social life is lively and your relationships with others are successful and trusting.
You have a lot of good points, but you are overexcitable and too obstinate. Look for a business partner who is equally able. Choose someone who can use his or her quiet and calm temperament to control you when you become too excited. This combination will be successful.
If you are a man, you are handsome, attractive, generous and are likely to be surrounded by many woman. If you are a woman, you are beautiful and the focus of men’s attentions.
You have many friends of both sexes so you will have no problem finding a partner. You will have a successful, long-lasting marriage.
There may be a generation gap between you and your parents and your relationship with them is troubled, especially with your father.
Brothers and sisters
You have a good relationship with your brothers and sisters because your characters are similar. You have the same interest and habits as a brothers and sisters who are closest to you in age. Although your relationship with them is strong, they do not always come to your aid with material help.
Your children are lively and naughty. It is difficult to control them and your impatience and hot temper prevent you from giving them the attention they deserve.
You own two notable assets. One you have bought with your own money, the other you inherited.
You enjoy both long and short journeys because you are lively and make friends quickly.
Sometimes you are tired and ill because you have been working and playing too hard. Learn to relax; you do not realize that you have been overworking.
With your partner’s help you must work out a sound investment plan which controls your use of capital. Your investment will then make a profit.
Your impatience limits your skill. You must work hard for a long time before you are successful.
You are a dreamer, constantly thinking of ways to earn money quickly and then impatiently abandoning your plans.
Your every hope can be fulfilled because you are fortunate and popular. Heaven and earth are well balanced in your life.
You are lucky and will usually win any law suits. However, your good fortune makes a court case unlikely, but beware of pushing your luck too far.
Lost property
Once again this reflects your luck. You normally find lost property without wasting much time.
Your Luck According to Your Year of Birth in Chinese Astrology
1928, 1988 of Chinese Astrology
In Chinese Astrology, if you born in the year Mou Ch’en, you belong to the Yielding Dragon.
According to Chinese Astrology, you have an accommodating, kind, nimble and distinctive character. In Chinese Astrology, you are close to, and receive help from, well-disposed officials. Chinese Astrology sign that , you will not lonely, although your relationship with your children is difficult. A woman born in either of these years in Chinese Astrology is gentle and kind, but usually speaks without thinking carefully earlier. She will have a good husband.
1940, 2000 of Chinese Astrology
In Chinese Astrology, if you born in the year of Ken Ch’en, you belong to the Angry Dragon.
According to Chinese Astrology, you are arrogant, always putting yourself before others. And in Chinese Astrology said , your personal relationships will be difficult, but you will be famous and rich. You are suited to a military career. also Chinese Astrology sign, a woman born in the year of Ken Ch’en is thrifty and hardworking.
1952, 2012 of Chinese Astrology
In Chinese Astrology, if you born in the year of Jen Ch’en, you belong to the Dragon in the Rain.
You will be hardworking. Chinese Astrology sign that your early life will be difficult; middle age will bring changing financial luck, but your old age will be prosperous. Also Chinese Astrology predict, a woman born in a Jen Ch’en year will be elegant and supportive of her husband.
1904, 1964 of Chinese Astrology
In Chinese Astrology, if you born in the year of Chia Ch’en, you belong to the Cheerful Dragon. In Chinese Astrology said, you are handsome and kind and fight to see justice done. In Chinese Astrology also sign , you are respected because you can differentiate between private and business matters. Chinese Astrology predict, your life will be quiet and peaceful, although your early life will be hard. In old age you will own property and land. A woman born in either of these years in Chinese Astrology, will be elegant and supportive of her husband.
1916, 1976 of Chinese Astrology
In Chinese Astrology, if you born in the year of Ping Ch’en, you belong to the Dragon Flying to Heaven.According to Chinese Astrology, you are prosperous, clever and active. Your many friends will be spread throughout the world. Chinese Astrology said that, you will be financially comfortable in middle age. A woman born in either of these years in Chinese Astrology will be a good mother and wife.
Based on Kwok Man – Ho book