Ram Ratings

42% (5 favorable and 7 unfavorable months) After what was probably a very favorable, Pig, year this year might seem like a disaster. It is important, however, for you to understand that you are still looking at five, favorable months. There will thus be plenty of opportunities if you do not get down and let negative emotions get the best of you. Your natural inclination is most likely to follow your heart, but you will do much better this year if you can let your head dictate your actions.

Ram Career

Your management may be pressuring you this year to work even more. You can find spots for advancement and make progress on your work if you stay diligent with the tasks at hand. The biggest drawback to your year is the pressure on you, and your inclination to say yes and take on more work than you can handle. Be rational about your workload and don't be scared to say no if the load is too much to bear.

Ram Relationships

For the single Sheep, the Year of the Earth Rat could lead to the blossoming of true love. You may find that temptation to date more than one person falls on you in more than one instance. However, existing relationships could be problematic. Be careful not to be overly trusting or you'll wind up hurt later. At the same time, be wary of rumors and gossip, as they will lead to unnecessary arguments.

Ram Health

Work could be the drain on you, and the more you are inclined to overwork yourself, the more likely you will be to experience increased stress levels and exposure to illness. While this advice is always good, it is even more so this year under the influence of the Earth element. Do your best to not get down on yourself when things don't go your way. Overall, the year should be one of good health if you take the typical steps towards proper maintenance.

Ram Wealth

Your finances should be looking up this year. Earth years are good years for saving and planning which bodes well for those that keep a conservative mindset. You may be due for a surprise during one of your down months that could turn out to be unpleasant. Make sure you've tucked away enough to cover the costs associated with an unexpected accident or maintenance

Chinese Horoscope Astrology