The Character of the Pig
The Pig is represented by the Earthly Branch Hai. It is the last animal of the twelve animal signs. The Pig belongs to the tenth month, a cold month when all creatures are desolate. The times corresponding to Hai is between 9 and 11 p.m. Hai can also be written as ‘Hut’ , which means the edible kernel inside a nut; alternatively it can mean ‘central’ or ‘blossom’.
You have lofty ideas but may be a selfish and overconfident leader. You are reserved, hard-working and warm-hearted, but you can also be impatient and waste time on aimless pursuits. Take no notice of the Pig’s ugly face; Pig people are brave, careful, affectionate and cooperative. They represent kindness and innocence and are willing to serve others. You will rarely find a Pig person who is deceitful or betrays his or her friends. Pig people are true, frank and generous. Of all the twelve animal signs, the Pig suffers most and will probably be treated badly.
You tolerate being the butt of others’ jokes. You concentrate on your own work and have no desire to compete with others. You seldom tell lies, and others appreciate your attitude and your kindness. Once you decide to accept someone as a friend, your relationship with him or her will be sincere and trustworthy. If you are taken advantage of or persecuted, you protect yourself without harming others.
Pig people are like Monkey people; they are talented and clever. You are a keen learner and an avid reader. Your self-respect and self-confidence made you unpopular when you were young, but these characteristic are more acceptable to others as you grow older.
Your social life is limited but your few close friends are firm friends; you are ready to sacrifice yourself for them. Someone born in the year of the Pig makes an excellent marriage partner. He/she is devoted and protective. A woman born in this year is a good housewife. Although your reactions are slow, you are not stupid. No matter what career you pursue, you can cope with responsibility. You are inept at financial management. You carry out your work skillfully and thoroughly.
Many Pig people are famous, but they are easily frightened and angered if someone threatens their fame. You can suffer pain and difficulty, but cannot bear being givens a bad reputation. You sometimes upset others by your sarcasm. You do not need to work very hard to obtain your daily living as others will bring you jobs and money.
The Chinese say that pigs are wary of the hand that feeds them because they know that they will eventually be killed for market. Likewise the Pig person understands his or her situation clearly. You find it difficult to trust others and a wary if they offer support. Others abuse your weak points in business and romance. You will pass through several unhappy relationships before you find an ideal partner, but once you do, you will look after your partner in sickness and in health.
A man who is born in the year of the Pig loves his family deeply. He is attracted to women of small physical build and to women born in the year of the Rabbit or the Ram. A woman born in the year of the Pig is active and careful. She will not show her feelings until she knows her partner’s emotions. As long as her husband gives her confidence and looks after her, she will be a caring, loyal wife, a loving mother and a good housewife.
To have a happy, prosperous marriage, marry someone born in the year of the Ram or the Rabbit because your good luck will benefit your children. Avoid marrying someone born in the year of the Snake, the Monkey or the Pig because he/she will bring misfortune.
If there is mutual respect you will have a peaceful life with someone born in the year oh the Rat, the Tiger, the Dragon, the Horse, the Cock or the Dog. You are suited to a career as a scientist, writer, painter, musician, engineer, skilled worker, technician, doctor or actor.
You have an honest and virtuous character. You approach every task seriously and complete it efficiently.
You will be neither lucky nor unlucky, but will succeed through hard work.
You cannot achieve a balance between spending and saving, so although you may have a good salary you will not have many savings.
You are suited to quiet, reflective jobs such a writer, potter, artist, researcher or craft worker.
Social life
You feel uncomfortable in the company of other people. You are withdrawn at parties and other large gatherings.
Do not push your career or your business too far. Take it step by step, so it can progress smoothly and naturally. This is your safest way to success.
It is difficult to find the right partner, but once you meet the right person, you will fall deeply in love.
In spite of falling so deeply in love, your love may dwindle after marriage. You and your partner may have one or more affairs.
Your parents may not give you any money, but they love you and offer you moral support.
Brothers and sisters
Your relationship with your brothers and sisters is good, but they cannot help you financially.
A Pig is extremely fond of its piglets. If you tried to take a piglet away from its mother, she would attack you. In the same way, you are extremely fond of your family and children and you are willing to work hard for them.
Your own property, but will sell it at a loss.
The Pig cannot walk long distance and you are not suited to long journeys. You may have an accident if you travel long distances.
You have a healthy constitution, although you occasionally suffer from minor illnesses.
Be patient, avoid arguments, and so long as you are patient your investments will yield good profits.
You are suited to quiet, studious jobs. You will be successful and famous if you work hard in your chosen profession.
Do not expect a great profit if you gamble or speculate.
Very few of your hopes will be fulfilled.
Do your best to settle any dispute out of court; in court you will probably lose.
Lost property
After waiting a long time you will find what you have lost and restablish contact with old friends.
Your Luck According to Your Year of Birth in Chinese Astrology
1935, 1995 of Chinese Astrology
In Chinese Astrology, if you born in the year of Yi Hai, you belong to the Pig Passing By. According to Chinese Astrology, your youth will be problematic, but your later life will be happy and peaceful. The Chinese Astrology predict that family relationships are difficult, but you may be close to older people outside your family circle. Chinese Astrology sign that , your marriage will be happy and prosperous, and you will have two sons and two daughters-in-law. The Chinese Astrology said , you are impatient and speak without due consideration.
1947, 2007 of Chinese Astrology
In Chinese Astrology, if you born in the year of Ting Hai, you belong to the Pig Passing the Mountain. The Chinese Astrology predict that you are clever and talented. Also Chinese Astrology sign that your relationship with your children will be difficult and it would be advisable to have them early in life. Chinese Astrology advise , be kind and your life will be long, lucky and prosperous.
1959, 2019 of Chinese Astrology
In Chinese Astrology, if you born in the year of Chi Hai, you belong to the Monastery Pig. According to Chinese Astrology, you are intelligent and financially comfortable, but your mother or other relations will not help you.
1911, 1971 of Chinese Astrology
In Chinese Astrology, if you born in the year of Hsin Hai, you belong to the Pig in the Garden. According to Chinese Astrology, you do not worry about matters, which do not concern you. Chinese Astrology predict that , your youth is poor and unhappy, but in the later years you will be wealthy and honored. Chinese Astrology said that a woman born in either of these years will be a good housewife.
1923, 1983 of Chinese Astrology
In Chinese Astrology, if you born in the year of Kuei Hai, you belong to the Pig in the Forest. The Chinese Astrology predict that you have an obstinate nature and will not be supported by your relatives. Chinese Astrology said you will have a fortunate life and a prosperous old age.
Based on Kwok Man – Ho book