The Character of the Rooster
The Rooster is tenth in the cycle of the twelve animals and corresponds to the Earthly Branch Yu. The character for Yu is shaped like a vine, and it is matched to the eight month, the time when the grape has had a chance to ferment.
The Rooster is a popular animal in Chinese legend and traditionally is one of the animals who passes on advice from Heaven. Someone born in the year of the year of the Rooster is intuitive, honest and intelligent. Your decisions are respected and your business or career will always be successful. You accept challenges and are rarely defeated by obstacles.
You are sometimes impatient and rude, particularly if you do not understand others’ actions or aims. You are so straightforward you are often hurtful; others take this as a sign of selfishness. You like to be center of attention; you distrust others and rarely accept friendly advice. You have an independent spirit. People like you but fail to understand your spirit. They are disappointed when they discover that you are an courageous when faced by difficult circumstances. You are particularly astute in business and financial negotiations, but you waste more money than you save.
You enjoy well-dressed, polite company and like to create a romantic atmosphere. Men born in this year like to impress women will their appearance and intelligent conversation. Once they have committed themselves to marriage they are responsible and dedicated partners. Women born in the year of the Rooster are attractive and loving, but they are bad financial managers and should try to marry someone who will take responsibility for the household finances.
You are suited to a partnership with someone born in the year of the Ox because your conservative characters are well matched. Someone born in the year of the Dragon would bring good fortune and success to your marriage or business partnership. A business partnership with someone born in the year of the Snake would be fortunate and harmonious. Avoid marrying someone born in the year of the Rabbit, the Cock, the Rat or the Dog because you would experience bad luck, misfortune and accidents. A partnership with any of the other twelve animals would be comfortable but not prosperous or fortunate.
You are suited to a career as a tailor or fashion designer, entertainer, beautician, politician, author or member of the armed forces. You are also suited to a job in a service industry or in foreigner affairs.
You have a steady character and a modern outlook. Your ideas and aims match the changing world.
You will be neither lucky nor unlucky. In times of need you will be helped by your relatives or by a colleague.
Yo0u will be in financial trouble unless you learn to manage your affairs. Although you will earn a good salary, you will spend it quickly and carelessly.
You are suited to self-employment, but you will not be fortunate in your work.
Social life
You have an active social life. It is unusual for you to have quiet nights at home.
Your business will be successful because you think clearly, imaginatively and logically.
You will have n\many opportunity to meet suitable partner and will deal seriously with romance once you have fallen in love.
Yo0u will have a happy and fruitful marriage.
Your parents love you deeply, but your relationship with them is sometimes fraught and argumentative.
Brothers and sisters
Although you quarrel, you will always be on good terms with your brothers and sisters.
You do not believe in punishing your children. You let them follow their own ideas and feelings.
Because your aims are sensible and your character stable you will easily obtain fixed assets. There may be periods of severe loss.
You will always travel safely, but you will rarely benefit from your journeys.
You catch cold easily. Take care of your kidneys.
You use your intelligence to invest wisely.
Your skills will never be fully recognized. Even if you work hard you will be criticized; this is part of your fate.
Avoid short-term investment; you are not interested in it and you will never be lucky.
Your hopes will never be fulfilled because you lack perseverance.
You will not be lucky in court; try to settle any law suits out of court.
Lost property
You will always have difficulty finding lost property or regaining contact with friends or relati
Your Luck According to Your Year of Birth in Chinese Astrology
1933, 1993 of Chinese Astrology
In Chinese Astrology, if you born in the year of Kuei Yu, you belong to the Rooster in the Hen Roost.According to Chinese Astrology, you are straightforward and just. In Chinese Astrology prediction , you like to gossip and are unable to keep secrets. Chinese Astrology said that your family will not be able to support you financially but you will never be short of money. Chinese Astrology also sign you will have a prosperous old age. Chinese Astrology indicated that a woman born in one of these years will have a happy family and be successful in business.
1945, 2005 of Chinese Astrology
In Chinese Astrology, if you born in the year of Yi Yu, you belong to the Singing Rooster. The Chinese Astrology prediction is , you are straightforward, idealistic and speak without sufficient forethought. Chinese Astrology also sign , you will have a long and prosperous life. Chinese Astrology also predict , you will be on good terms with your relatives but your brothers will never support you. The Chinese Astrology said that, a woman born in either of these years will be a good housewife.
1957, 2017 of Chinese Astrology
In Chinese Astrology, if you born in the years of Ting Yu, you belong to the Lonely Rooster. The Chinese Astrology predict you are sentimental and sociable. Also Chinese Astrology sign you will make friends with wealthy and influential people. The Chinese Astrology indicated, your youth will be difficult, but your old age will be prosperous. Chinese Astrology said that, a woman born in either of these years will be talented, elegant and lucky.
1909, 2017 of Chinese Astrology
In Chinese Astrology, if you born in the year of Chi Yu, you belong to the Rooster Announcing the Dawn. According to Chinese Astrology, you will have a prosperous life, but your family relationships will be troubled. Chinese Astrology predictions are that you are clever and understanding. Also Chinese Astrology predict , you will have children late in life. Chinese Astrology said that , a woman born in either of these years will be thrifty and erratic.
1921, 1981 of Chinese Astrology
In Chinese Astrology, if you born in the year of Hsin Yu, you belong to the Rooster in a Cage. According to Chinese Astrology, you are clever, active, prosperous and healthy. Chinese Astrology predict , you are a good debater and well respected. Chinese Astrology also said that your relatives will be unable to help you in times of trouble. Chinese Astrology sign that a woman born in either of these years will be talented and fortunate.
Based on Kwok Man – Ho book